Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ready, Set, Go

Bags are packed and I'm ready to go...for the most part.  I have everything for 5 weeks in a small bag and back pack, but there is not a lot of room for anything else.  Since it seems very unlikely I will be able to resist buying at least a few things while I am away, it could be problematic.  However, I did manage to squeeze in an empty, folded travel duffle just in case.

The biggest worry right now - aside from the 7 hour overseas flight tomorrow - is the 5 hour wait in O'Hare Airport from noon to nearly 6pm.  Guess that's the price that you pay for choosing the regular jet over American Eagle...

The next post will be from Paris.  Hopefully my apartment is all the photos indicated it would be, especially the small balcony overlooking the street -- perfect for morning coffee.


  1. Excited for you! Wish I was going! Cannot wait to follow your travels! Be sure to post daily!!!! Will miss you!!!

  2. I wish you were, too! You have experience distracting me with "important" discussions during take off and landing!

  3. Have fun Julia. Bella and I will only have a few parties.
