Saturday, June 18, 2011

There is one in every group.

As anyone who has ever taken a class or attended a professional conference as an adult knows, there is always one (or two) in the group who turn out to be, well...I'll just say it...annoying know-it-alls. Le Cordon Bleu is no different and I got lucky today when three of these "experts" (yes, they knew each other and came together) joined our class to observe a demonstration. You can probably picture them: the two men had polo shirts with popped collars, snappy slip-on loafers, finely groomed hair, Ray-Bans, and Rolex watches and the woman had her cashmere sweater draped around her shoulders just so. (If I am also describing any of you, my apologies. But these items have no place in a professional cooking class.). I am not sure why they paid money - and a lot of it - to watch the demonstration when they so clearly knew more than the Le Cordon Bleu instructors! After we finished hearing about their extensive wine cellars and a lengthy discussion on whether or not the wooden-handled knives they had purchased in the Cordon Bleu shop would match their new cherry cabinets, we had to sit through a barrage of questions that had more to do with wanting instructions for social gatherings than wanting to learn to be better cooks. I won't bore you with anymore details since I am sure it was one of those, "you had to be there" situations. But to quote my 21-year old classmate, "Thank goodness they are not here every day!".

Odd, but entertaining visitors aside, classes today were the best yet. My favorite chef/instructor (Chef Franck) taught and he does a wonderful job watching, correcting, praising, and teaching. Dishes today were a dandelion leaf salad with bacon and warm soft-boiled egg, pan-fried sea bass filet on a carrot puree with cumin, red wine sauce and herb salad, and lemongrass-infused milk panna cotta with red berry jelly. One of the best parts of each class is the pride (and expectation) each instructor has for plating, keeping work stations clean, and producing a great dish with amazing products. High standards - I like it! Excuse the food photos today. I forgot my iPad 2 and had to take pictures with another student's phone.

I had another one of those "learning as I go" moments today when I prepared to shave my legs with supplies purchased at the local store. What I thought was shaving cream turned out to be some sort of feminine deodorant spray. Imagine my surprise when I sprayed THAT in the middle of my morning shower! Of course, I spent the next hour embarrassed, trying to recall who'd been behind me in line at MonoPrix (the Paris version of Target) when I bought it. I know...I will never see these people again. But good grief!

Another night last night without much sleep. I knew it was too good to be true when last Friday was so quiet in the neighborhood. This weekend has been busy and the number of people on the street has increased. My apartment is located in a wonderful area full of artists and writers. The intersection down the street is where 4 streets converge to form a town square of sorts with cafes, restaurants, and clubs. There was quite a party going on last night at the intersection and it must have been a good one. I swear some of the revelers were still there when I left for class early this morning -- laughing and drinking coffee (?) on the corner. My goal is to be in bed and asleep before midnight tonight.

Another good day in Paris. I do regret I won't be home to spend Father's Day with my Dad tomorrow. In his honor, however, Susan and I are going to brunch at a place he would love. "Un Dimanche a Paris" is a chocolate concept store where EVERY dish - even the savory ones - has chocolate as an ingredient. Can't wait to share the photos.

It is nearly midnight here so it is almost Sunday. Happy Father's Day to the best Dad in the world! Wish you were here!!


  1. I love it! You are so honest and I feel like I am walking in your shoes.
