Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Insights from Inflight..and beyond

We have only been on the plane for half hour and there are already 3 glasses of red wine in front of me. Okay, one belongs to my neighbor.
but I do recall a glass of sparkling wine greeted me in my seat.

Everyone on the plane - at least in business class - there are little cubbies to recline in with private movie and tv access, (Not to mention the wine, warmed cashews, and crudite we were served.) We are currently sipping a bordeaux and a malbec and, yes, I have a favorite. A girl could get used to this. Next, chicken with balsamic glaze and a French side dish i did not understand. Something about pumpkin cranberry rissoli. But I am sure it will all be wonderful. Dessert is fruit, cheese, homemade sundaes, and more wine. My flight partner is nice, cute, and smart...so I must have done something right. :o)

Eye masks have been provided and there is quiet music being discreetly played. I just MIGHT get some sleep.

Woke to the slight tapping of a finger and a gentle voice asking "juice or coffee". Now THAT doesn't happen at home! Papaya and berries, bagel, cereal or a FILET omelet? Who knew? After the dinner just hours before, I can only handle coffee and fruit.

On through customs, Which consists of a sweet "Bon jour" and I am out the door. I get the first taxi...and there are blue skies peaking through the clouds. It could be a good day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:American Airlines flight 42 - Somewhere between Chicago and Paris.

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