Friday, May 27, 2011

Mission: Possible

The ideal suitcase has been found. I did a trial run this week and "JOY"! It was perfect. I also spent a few days viewing You Tube videos on the perfect way to pack and learned the tried and true rolling technique I have been using for years is really not best. I was able to pack twice the pieces using the new technique and it was also made for a more organized approach when removing individual items. I will post a photo later.

It has been difficult to get excited about leaving in a week after the death of my friend's son last week. I flew to Nashville for the funeral and kept thinking how this terrible loss puts things in perspective. But I also witnessed the resolve of two close friends who have lost their sons much too early and still plan to travel to China to provide love and care to orphaned babies. It was inspirational. Makes worries about clothes, suitcases, and packing seem very small and silly.

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